Financial Transparency
Certifications and Seals
A list of our proudly earned badges

A Four-Star Rating is the highest possible rating on Charity Navigator, the world’s largest and most trusted nonprofit evaluator. This rating designates us as an official “Give with Confidence” charity, indicating that our organization is using its donations effectively. Since 2001, the organization has been an unbiased and trusted source of information for more than 11 million donors annually.

The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) has existed for over 40 years to help enhance trust in the integrity and accountability of churches and ministries so they can more effectively reach the world for Christ. This seal is given to organizations following the Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, drawn from Scripture. The basis for establishing ECFA and developing Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™ is stated clearly by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 8:21 (NIV): “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” As the New American Standard puts it in verses 20 and 21: “taking precaution that no one should discredit us in our administration of this generous gift, for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” ECFA-accredited ministries are committed to upholding these standards.

The Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency is a rating given to nonprofit organizations that demonstrate transparency and trustworthiness to the public. It’s the highest rating that Candid, formerly Guidestar, can award, and it puts organizations in the top 0.1% of charities in the U.S. for transparency.

Excellence in Giving recognizes transparency when charities share more data about governance, finances, strategy, and impact than the IRS requires. As a recognized charity, this means we have submitted 175 data points about operations and performance for donors to review before making an informed giving decision. Transparency seal recipients voluntarily disclose debt levels, Board practices, 3-year program and financial trends, impact stats, strategic plans, and even an internal S.W.O.T. analysis.

The Gold Partner badge from Mentor Colorado indicates that we have been recognized for having the highest level of excellence and quality in our mentoring services. The National Mentoring Partnership believes in the importance of recognizing programs that commit to continuous quality improvement by initiating in NQMS (National Quality Mentoring System) work.

Beyond participating in the National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS), we’ve also received the Champion Partner Badge which signifies we have additionally committed to providing quality programming grounded in the “Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring.”
Annual 990 Forms
Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax
Annual Reports
An in-depth look into our impact