April Newsletter

Read on for the April blog content
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By the end of April, mentees will be equipped to:

Stay encouraged to finish senior year strong

Overcome barriers that could derail

Note the upcoming Graduation Celebration

Mentors, we have April goals for you as well!

Keep in touch with your Mentoring Specialist

Ask your mentee: When is the last day of school?

Action Steps

Senioritis is real! If you're struggling to stay motivated to finish the year strong, you are not alone. Work through these tips as a match to come up with action steps for this month:

Confirm you are on track

If you have any question about your graduation status, check with your school counselor! Mentors, assist your mentee in putting together emails or questions. Often, mentees might think they are not going to be able to graduate on time but find out their school has accelerated options to make up credits. Don’t give up if you are in that boat. Instead, find out for sure and explore options.

Stay organized

The end of the year can be hectic. Discuss how you are keeping track of due dates, upcoming exams, and checking in with teachers about extra credit opportunities.

Let your future motivate you

Goals help us power through challenging seasons. So, process your mentee’s goals and hopes together. For some people, striving for success is motivating. For others, simply recognizing high school as a necessary step can be the most helpful.

Reflect & reward yourself

Reflect on the energy and passion you’ve used to get this far! Finishing high school is tough, and it’s something to celebrate together.

What would be rewarding for you: a gift, a mountain day trip, dinner at a favorite restaurant?

Let that future reward provide an added boost of motivation.

Overcoming Possible Derailment

The Bible says  we will have trouble in this world (John 16:33). Not everything goes as smooth as we’d hope.

As a match, discuss some challenges each of you have walked through in your life. Mentees: What obstacles could derail you from starting what you are planning to this fall?

These obstacles might include some of the following

  • Internal: loss of motivation, anxiety about starting something new, discouragement, missed deadlines, shame or embarrassment admitting you made a mistake or need help, not graduating high school on time, etc.
  • External: family needs, financial limitations, others’ expectations of you (family, significant other, etc.), being unsure what resources are out there

Data shows that between 10 and 20% of students who intend to enroll in college do not end up attending in the fall. The number jumps as high as 40% for low-income students, students in large urban districts, and community-college bound students. We don’t want this to be your story.

While we can’t outline every possible solution, we don’t necessarily need to. Every solution boils down to being honest and asking for help. Few college students utilize on-campus support. Fewer still are honest about challenges and feelings coming up.

Discuss the following. . .

  • Who do you ask for help? Where do you find help?
  • Why is it challenging for us to ask for help? How does it make us feel?
  • How confident do you feel about the path you are thinking of after high school? What next steps would be helpful for solidifying those plans?
  • Who are the people in your life you can ask for help?
  • Mentors, when in your life have you asked for help and what was the outcome?
  • What support would be most helpful to make sure you are able to achieve your hopes and dreams (possibly from SOY or your mentor)?


Coming Up at Save Our Youth

Mark your calendar for an evening of celebrating our graduating seniors. More information coming soon!

Next Steps. . .

Sometime between May and August, mentees will determine next steps with Save Our Youth. Options include transferring to scholars, staying open for a strategic gap year, or formally closing the mentoring match (we encourage matches to stay in touch informally). Please talk to your Mentoring Specialist if you have any questions about next steps.
